10 December 2008

The last classic feudal state.

The last bastion of feudalism in the Western world finally succumbed to voting for it's first Democratic government today. The Channel Island of Sark's government was, for half a millennium, a group of landowners. The smallest of the Channel Islands (actually a series of small islands occupying approximately two square miles), was split into 40 Tennants, original bestowed as a fiefdom by Elizabeth I in 1565. Helier De Carteret became it's first Seigneur.

Although The Queen is still sovereign, Sark has its own court, is not a member of the EU and has no income tax or national health service. As of today the people of Sark (population 600, electorate 474) go to the polls to fully elect its "Chief Pleas", or parliament, for the first time.
Year in which countries became democracies:
  • 2006 - Uganda
  • 2002 - Kenya
  • 1999 - Nigeria
  • 1998 - Indonesia
  • 1994 - South Africa, Malawi
  • 1990 - Yemen, Taiwan
  • 1985 - Brazil
  • 1983 - Argentina
  • 1978 - Spain
  • 1969 - UK (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as may people in Northern Ireland were denied the vote before then
  • 1945 - Italy
  • 1944 - Iceland
  • 1921 - Sweden
  • 1949 - India
  • 1913 - USA (tricky one, but considered to be in 1913 with the passing of the 17th amendments)
  • 1901 - Denmark
  • 5th Century BC - Athenian Greece

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